| Wednesday, February 13, 2002 - 19th Circle (57) added, groundwork for the last 3 circles lain down. Tuesday, February 12, 2002 - Could I take longer breaks? Probably not. There have been many small updates and fixes here and there in the site, just nothing I felt inclined to post about. Today I put up the 18th Circle (56) and went through to add in spells from Luclin's release. I have received an overwhelming amount of e-mail over the holidays about the site, and it's really been an honor to serve everyone with what I know about enchanting. Here's a secret--the feedback is what has kept this site going for 2 whole years. Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 17th Circle (55) is almost finished, I just hit 56th level today so I've been kind of busy running around buying spells and talking to a recruiting guild. Wednesday, November 7, 2001 - 16th Circle (54) completed, beginning work on 17th Circle, changed Tradeskills to Research for now, as I just don't have time to get into Jeweling that much. Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - Added this news page so people can actually see if something new has been posted. Finished the 15th Circle (53) and began work on the 16th Circle. This web-site was last updated Thursday, February 28, 2002 by Jason Hibdon (Xornn Mier`noen), designed at 1024 x 768 resolution in high color. It'd like to give a special thanks to Taeinea T'Pau (server unknown) for not only teaching me the basics of enchanting, but inspiring me to create this guide and pass on my knowledge, also Aaldin Dbrain of the Prexus server, who finally was able to get me to dust off the charm spells and realize their full potential, and lastly to the members of the Caster's Realm Enchanter Boards, where some of the best discussions of tactics and enchantment ever take place. |